International Projects

Russia, Bulgaria, the Balkans: the problems of War and Peace in XVIII – XXI centuries. (Myths and Reality)

A project financed by Scientific Research Fund with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technologies, under contract No ДНТС/Russia 02/17

Duration: 18.06.2018 – 18.06.2020

In charge: Prof. Dr. Ilyana Ilieva Marcheva–Atanasova

Participants: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Borisova Dimitrova, Prof. DSc.Tamara Petrova Stoilova, Prof. Dr. Iskra Vasileva Baeva, Prof. Dr. Evgenia Ivanova Kalinova, Prof. Dr. Darina Grigorova Grigorova, Prof. DSc. Ivan Hristov Pârvev, Dr. Mihail Ivaylov Simov, Prof. DSc. Svetlozar Vladimirov Eldârov

Partner: the Institute for Slavic Studies with the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bulgaria and China: historical parallels in their endeavours for modernization from the end of the Second World War to the beginnings of ХXI c.

The project is worked out jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for World History with the Chinese Academy of Social sciences (CASS). That scientific cooperation is facilitated by an agreement signed and renewed in 2015 between both academies.

Duration: 2018 – 2020.

In-charge: Heads of the project on Bulgarian side are Prof. DSc. Iliya Todev and Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva-Atanasova. Heads of the project on Chinese side are Prof. Wang Xiaoju and Prof. Li Zhui.

Participants: on Bulgarian side there are representatives of the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, New Bulgarian University and the Military Academy G. S. Rakovski. On Chinese side, are participating representatives of the Institute for World history with the Chinese Academy of Social sciences (CASS).

The project provides for parallel examination of the processes which both nations underwent in economy, social structure and external and domestic policies at their modernisation from the middles of ХХ century to the beginnings of ХХІ century. The aim is to pinpoint generics and specifics at modernisation of both countries during the Cold War and its aftermath in terms of problems, approaches and solutions, and to define their effectiveness. This way the research conducted will provide with historical answers to the challenges which every country faces in the broad area comprising Europe and Asia.

For that purpose based upon archive material and bibliography both teams will conduct studies about peculiarities about how the following historical processes in both countries have evolved:

Establishing the Soviet modernisation model in Bulgaria and China and different ways to its reforming in both countries during the Cold War;

clarifying models and results from those reforms on the pattern of reconstructing Socialism (a kind of ‘perestroikas’) in the middles of the 1980s in Bulgaria and their downfall and reforms undertaken by Deng Xiaoping in China having lead to a “socialism with Chinese characteristics“;

Peculiarities of the transition to liberal market economy in Bulgaria and China after the end of the Cold War under conditions of globalization;

Political, cultural, ethno-religious and external problems that are placed by modernization and globalization to the Republic of Bulgaria and PRC in the end of ХХ c. and the beginnings of ХХІ c.

The project is scheduled to host two round-table discussions in Sofia and Beijing on agreed themes and one conference in Sofia on the subject of the project. The results of the project are planned to be published in the scientific journals of both institutes.

Arts, Literature and Power in contact areas (Orthodoxy and Islam; Orthodoxy and Catholicism): praising the authorities vs. contesting the authorities

The project was jointly worked out by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Archaeology and Art History in Cluj-Napoca with the Romanian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2017 – 2019.

In-charge: Prof. DSc. Ivan Bilyarski and Dr. Ciprian Firea.

Participants: from Bulgarian side the team joined Prof. Dr. Iliya Iliev, DSc. (Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Prof. Dr. Mariyana Tsibranska, DSc (Institute for Bulgarian Language with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Dr. Margarita Kuyumdzhieva (Institute for Study of Arts with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Dr. Desislava Naydenova (Cyril-and-Methodius Research Centre).

The project team was focused on contact areas where different religions or denominations live together in a cooperative or conflicting manner. It proceeded from the assumption that whatever the specific historical relationships between adherents of different religions or denominations are, they will always end up by a kind of synthesis of them. Two contact zones have been purposely chosen – the Balkans and Transylvania – where meet Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam and Roman Catholicism. This is the rationale defining the primary project aim – to examine how assumptions about power are reflected in the arts during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, namely in fine arts, literature, music etc. wherein opposition to the Power or glorification thereof may be identified at several levels. Mutual interest shown by scholars of both academies is shaped upon by similarities in contact zones in Central Europe and on the Balkans inhabited by Orthodox Christians under alien domination, while numerous discrepancies are also in the foreground. Surveying aforementioned features may lead to interesting results for both parties involved.

The project is developed by means of thorough examination of material found in libraries and archives as well as of artefacts and architecture in both countries. Encounters of project participants are scheduled as well as a joint conference to be held and publications to be printed.

Linked histories: sources for reconstruction of history in Central and South-eastern Europe, ХVII-XXI cc.

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the History Institute with the Humanities Research Centre with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2016 – 2018.

In charge: On Bulgarian side responsible was Prof. Dr. Iliya Todev, DSc, under the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Peykovska, DSc.

Participants: On Bulgarian side in the project participated Prof. DSc.Valery Stojanow, Assoc.Prof. DSc. Penka Peykovska, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Stefka Pârveva, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Teodoritchka Gotovska-Henze, Asst. Prof. Dr. Vanya Stoyanova.

After the great shift in the existing political system happened in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989 historiographies from both European areas have been focusing on revisiting historic past (predominantly reconsidering the nearest past) through analyzing documents belonging to former secret archives or archives with restricted access. Through implementing the project at hand will envisage turning the spotlight to history sources whose existence historians were acquainted with but due to their complete inaccessibility or restricted access have remained unknown in their details. That research will shed new light to common historic past of Hungarians, Bulgarians and other peoples in Central and (South-)Eastern Europe, especially taking into consideration the fact that their historic past is mutually interwoven and centuries long they have experienced reciprocal influence; similar historic phenomena have caused divergent effects; different political entities – convergent historic events. The project aimed at surveying issues of historical identity of the Bulgarians and the Hungarians (as well as of peoples inhabiting Central and Southeastern Europe) in the frame of two large research directions: the first one stressing transnational processes and overlapping historic past, the other one emphasizing fragmentary and daily processes of historic past. The study object is confined to primary (mostly Bulgarian and Hungarian) historical sources which enable the researcher to come as close as possible to what really happened during given historic event or given history period and reflects individual standpoint of the immediate participant or observer thereof. Secondary sources also came under scrutiny (e.g. historiographical) sources which interpret or analyze remote phenomena happened a long time after given historic events. Among studied problems are property institutions and social relationships, conflicts and coexistence, social strategies and violence in everyday life, interaction with and attitudes to state power, human migrations and disseminations of ideas.


Ten years Bulgaro-Hungarian History commission: an international conference under the name: “Bulgaria and Hungary – linked histories in Central and Southeastern Europe ХVII – XXI cc.“, Sofia, May 2016.

International symposium: “Migration, Identity and Integration in Hungary in historical perspective” / “Migráció, identitás és integráció Magyarországon történeti perspektívában”. Pecs, 22–27 August 2016.

Outbound migrations in Bulgaria, ХIХ-ХХІ cc.: historical, demographic, socio-anthropological and ethnocultural aspects

The project was worked out by scholars from the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences jointly with scholars from other humanities and social sciences institutes with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, from the Institute of Slavic studies with the Russian Academy of Sciences, the History Institute with the Humanities Research Centre with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Wekerle Business School (Wekerle Sándor Üzleti Főiskola) in Budapest.

Duration: 2015 – 2017.

In charge: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Penka Peykovska, DSc.

Participants: On the Bulgarian side in the project participated Prof. DSc.Valery Stojanow, Prof. DSc. Mancho Vekov, Asst. Prof. Dr. Inna Manasieva, Asst. Prof. Dr. Stanislava Stoycheva, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nadya Philipova, Asst. Dr. Chavdar Vetov et all.

In globalization era in view of historical prognostics past and present circulation of populations are among most topical issues of scholarly research. From Bulgaria’s standpoint as part of the European Union said issue is linked with European integration process (political, economic and cultural) – hence the significance to study it.

The goal of the project is to interpret different sides of outbound (international) migrations in Bulgaria by analyzing recently found historical sources or still not scientifically utilized ones by implementing modern interdisciplinary research methods, such as microhistory, analysis of various document types, biographics, historical statistics, historical demography, historical sociology, ethnolinguistics and so on. The research object is political and labour, mass or individual outbound (from Bulgaria towards foreign countries and from abroad to Bulgaria) migrations as well as some particular socio-anthropological and ethnocultural aspects thereof, such as: migrations and ethnogeography, processes of acculturation, adaptation and integration, ‘transfer’ of knowledge, bi- and multilingualism, literacy, family, age and gender structures, professional fulfilment achieved by Bulgarian communities abroad and by foreign dwellers in Bulgaria. Source base encompasses statistical sources, ego-documents (personal accounts, life stories, interviews, photographs), documents of personal origin (recollections, private correspondence, diaries, travelogues, questionnaires), diplomatic exchange, etc.


International conference named „International migrations in Bulgaria and Hungary in ХIХ–ХХІ cc.: historio-demographic, socio-anthropological and ethnocultural aspects“, Sofia, 1 June 2016.


Миграции на хора и идеи в България и Унгария (ХІХ–XXI век) / Еmberek és eszmék migrációja Bulgáriában és Magyarországon (19–21. század) / Migrations of People and Ideas in Bulgaria and Hungary, 19th–21st Centuries. Съст. Пейковска, П., Г. Деметер. София: Изд. „Парадигма“, 2018, 456 с. [Series Publications of the Bulgarian-Hungarian History Commission, Vol. 4]
[Edited by P. Peykovska & G. Demeter. Sofia: Paradigma, 2018, 456 pp.]

Modernizing projects in Central and Southeastern Europe: theories, social results, international framework

The project was developed jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the History Institute with the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2015 – 2017.

In charge: On Bulgarian side the project was led by Prof. Iliya Todev. DSc.

Participants: On Bulgarian side participated Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva, Assoc.Prof. DSc. Penka Peykovska, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maria Koleva, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Teodoritchka Gotovska-Henze, Asst. Victor Rogozenski.

Modernization in Central and Southeastern Europe makes up a complex historic process from the Middle Ages to the Modern Times. In XIX-XX cc. the Bulgarians and the Slovaks took part in bigger international modernising projects, at first the liberal one, then the socialist one whose results are still perceptible today. All this arouses significant interest in issues of such kind; hence the topicality thereof. The project aim is to fulfil ‘blanks’ in current state of research, moulded upon because of a lack of adequate empirical materials or because of ideological taboos, as well as to present consequences from modernising projects as experienced by the Bulgarians and the Slovaks on a comparative ground with view to outline the bigger international context. The study object is changes in economy, culture and education, underlying both peoples as a result of implementing those modernising projects.


International workshop „Migrations in Europe: Past and Modern Aspects”, Sofia, 19th April 2016.

Chinese Civilization and World Civilizations – Interactions and Comparisons

Duration: 2015 – 2018.

In charge: Prof. Liang Zhanjun, Centre for Study of Civilizations, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.

Participant: On Bulgarian side participated Assoc. Prof. Dr. М. Malinova Tian.


Malinova Tian, М. China and Bulgaria: relationships and interactions.

The modern nations and how elites contributed to their shaping and developing

Duration: 2016.

In charge: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tamara Stoilova

In this project took part numerous Bulgarian and foreign scholars.

Participants on HIS’s side:

Prof. Dr. Yordanka Gesheva

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Bozhinov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Dimitrova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teodoritchka Gotovska-Henze

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Peykovska, DSc.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Blagovest Njagolov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rositsa Stoyanova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antoaneta Kyrilova

Asst. Prof. Dr. Lyubomila Solenkova

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rositsa Lelyova

Asst. Prof. Dr. Inna Manasieva

Asst. Dr. Maria Levkova-Muchinova

Asst. Dr. Daniela Vichkova

Asst. Dr. Aleka Strezova

The project was materialised as a collection of articles – issue XXXIV of the Proceedings of the IHS [Известия на ИИстИ], 2017.

The working title “The modern nations and how elites contributed to their shaping and developing” enabled project participants to join it with their studies while following three principal variants of implementation: 1. Characterizing modern nations and conditions that are instrumental for their shaping; when and why that happened; which are the prerequisites, their driving forces. 2. Characterizing the elites – in terms of spirituality, culture, politics, economy; reasons for their involvement in shaping nations and their further development; passage from traditional elites to modern ones. 3. Nations in the global world (or perhaps ‘the end of the nations’, or are there any shifts in how they are conceptualized and structured?). Materials gathered proved stronger interest among academics in issues related to social elites, their place, role and action in the processes of building and developing contemporary nations. All this led to a slight change in accents of the project and to publishing a volume under the title “The role of elites in the processes of nation consolidation and national building“.

A project attached to Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture with the view to organizing a permanent museum exhibition “Roots in the time” in the convent by Bulgarian church Sveti Stefan ‘St. Stephen’ in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences coorganized the event.

Duration: 2016.

Participants: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Grebenarov, Asst. Prof. Dr. Vanya Stoyanova.

The exhibition was inaugurated on 23rd May 2016.

A project attached to Bulgarian Ministry of Culture for financing the exhibition “Saint Clement – the Enlightener”.

The exhibition was prepared by Cyril-and-Methodius Research Centre with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with financial support by the IHS and other co-organizers.

Duration: 2016.

Participant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Grebenarov

The exhibition was presented on 25th November 2016 on the premises of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; on 8th December 2016 in the town of Ohrid, North Macedonia; on 9th December 2016 in Korçë University, Albania.

20 Years Commission for Southeastern European History

[in German: 20 Jahre Kommission für südosteuropäische Geschichte]

A project of Pro Oriente Foundation, Vienna

Duration: 2015 – 2016.

Participant: On Bulgarian side in the project participated Prof. Dr. Valery Stojanow. DSc.


V. Stojanow. „Als Petrus zum Felsen wurde. Die Europäisierung fing mit dem Erwachen der Nation an“. Introductory paper which is part of ‘Leading figures of ‘Europeanisation’ of Europe throughout the long XIX century. International conference organized by the Commission for Southeastern European History, held on 24-25 October 2016, Graz, Austria [delivered originally in German: „Leitfiguren der “Europäisierung” Südosteuropas im langen 19. Jahrhundert“. Internationale Tagung der PRO ORIENTE Kommission für südosteuropäische Geschichte. (24-25 Oktober 2016, Graz, Österreich)].

200 anniversary of the birth of Otto von Bismarck (1815-2015)

Duration: 2015.

Participant: On Bulgarian side participated Assoc.Prof. Dr. Vladimir Zlatarski.


200 anniversary of the birth of Otto von Bismarck (1815-2015), 9th April 2015.

Modernising processes on the Balkans under Ottoman rule in XIX c. – beginnings of XX c.

The project was developed jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for National history with the North Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (МАНУ)

Duration: 2014 – 2016.

In-charge: Prof. Dr. Ilia Todev, DSc. (Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and Prof. Dr. Dragi Georgiev (Institute for National History, North Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts).

Participants: On Bulgarian side participated Asst. Prof. Dr. Vanya Stoyanova, Asst.Dr. Maria Levkova – Muchinova, Asst.Dr. Dimitâr Hristov.


Модернизационни процеси на Балканите под османска власт през XIX и в началото на ХХ в. Съст. и ред. Илия Тодев, Драги Георгиев. Институт за исторически изследвания, БАН; Македонска академия на науките и изкуствата, Скопие – София, 2017 г.[Modernising processes on the Balkans under Ottoman rule in XIX c. and in the beginnings of ХХ в. Edited and complied by Iliya Todev, Dragi Georgiev. Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; North Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje – Sofia, 2017]

Historiographies and public use of History in Southeastern Europe in ХIX–ХXI cc.

The project was developed jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2014 – 2016.

In charge: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Blagovest Njagolov.

Participants: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lyubomila Solenkova, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Rumyana Chukova, et all.

Czech Slavistics and the Bulgarians (beginnings of XIX c. – to 1918), Part Two

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Slavonic institute with the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2014 – 2016.

In charge: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Teodoritchka Gotovska-Henze

Participants: Asst. Prof. Dr. Lyubomila Solenkova, et all.

As a result of the work on the project were prepared a monograph, an edited volume, articles and papers. An international conference was held. Lectures and other public presentations were given. At its conclusive phase the project was presented on the premises of the Czech centre in Sofia in May 2016.

The Bulgarian Transition as part of the East-European Transition from the end of XX c. to the beginnings of ХXI c.: Bulgarian and Chinese viewpoints. Problems of sources and interpretations

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for World History with the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences (CASS).

Duration: 2014 – 2016.

In charge on Bulgarian side: Prof. Dr. Iliya Todev, DSc.

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva (coordinator), Assoc.Prof. Dr. Evgeniy Kandilarov, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Petya Dimitrova, Asst. Prof. Dr. Detelina Dineva, Asst. Prof. Dr. Inna Manasieva.


  • A round table under the title “Reforms in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe and perspectives for their shared research in Bulgaria and the Chinese People’s Republic”, together with colleagues from the Institute for World History with the Chinese Academy for Social sciences (CASS), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 9th October 2013.
  • A round table under the title: “The initiation Stages of Post-1989 Reforms in Bulgaria in the Context of East European Transition”, Beijing, 27th September 2014.
  • A round table under the title: “Reforms in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria during Socialism and the Transition period” Sofia, 4th August 2014.
  • A seminar of the Institute for World History with the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, 19th May 2015.
  • A conference under the title: “Issues of the transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe”, Beijing, 21st May 2015.
  • A Bulgarian-Chinese conference under the title: “The Transition process in Bulgaria: Bulgarian and Chinese viewpoints”, Sofia, 18th November 2015.
  • A round table held in the Institute for World History with the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, 6-8 September 2016.


Publications related to project topics in Bulgarian Historical Review, 2015, 1-2.

East Central European Migrations during the Cold War

The project was international with participants from 11 countries.

Duration: 2014–2016.

Coordinator: Anna Mazurkiewicz, Institute of History, University of Gdansk.

Participant: Participant on the IHS’s side was Asst. Prof. Dr. Detelina Dineva.


An international conference under the title “East European Migrations during the Cold War”, Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw, Poland, 20th March 2015. Participant: Asst. Prof. Dr. Detelina Dineva.


Central and East European Migrations during the Cold War: a Handbook (under print).

Modernising processes in Central Europe and on the Balkans, ХІХ-ХХІ cc.

The project was developed jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2012 – 2014.

In charge: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Teodoritchka Gotovska-Henze

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Penka Peykovska, DSc. et all.


Presenting the project results in front of the Third Congress on Bulgarian Studies, Sofia, 2013; the International interdisciplinary conference “Bulgarian Humanities among European scientific research”, Sofia, 2013; the Fifth Round Table “Culture and Globalization”, the Institute on Balkan Studies and Thracology centre with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2013; a round table in celebration of the Day of the Slavonic Script, Bulgarian Education and Culture, Sofia, 2014; a round table “Spirituality and scholarship of the Bulgarians throughout the centuries”, Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2014.


The studies on the project were published in:

  • Гражданският протест – минало, настояще, бъдеще. Съст. П. Пачовска, ЮЗУ, Благоевград, 2012 [Civil protest – past, present, future. Edited by P. Panchovska, Southwestern University: Blagoevgrad, 2012];
  • България и Балканите в сферата на европейските влияния през XIX – XXI век. Ред. Р. Мишев и кол, ВТУ, Велико Търново, 2012; [Bulgaria and the Balkans in the European influence area in XIX – XXI cc. Edited by R. Mishev et all. University of Veliko Tarnovo Press: Veliko Tarnovo, 2012];
  • История и култура на Раднево и Радневския край XV – XX век. Стара Загора, 2013 г. [History and culture of the town of Radnevo and the surrounding area in XV – XX centuries. Stara Zagora, 2013 г.]

Shared past in Central and Southeastern Europe: new sources, new approaches

The project was developed jointly by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the History Institute at the Humanities Research Centre with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2013 – 2015.

In-charge: Prof. DSc. Iliya Todev, Prof. DSc. Pál Fodor, director of the Humanities Research Centre with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Prof. DSc.Valery Stojanow, Assoc.Prof. DSc. Penka Peykovska, Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva et all.


  • An international scientific conference under the title “Old Topics – New Approaches: Rediscovering the Sources”, Sofia, 21st May 2015.
  • An international conference “Contacts and Conflicts in Central and Southeast Europe: Hungarian and Bulgarian Approaches“, Budapest, 13 – 14 May 2014.
  • A Bulgarian-Hungarian scientific forum “Hungarian Ottoman and Bulgarian Studies – current achievements“, Sofia, 28th October 2014.


  • Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th–21st Centuries: Hungarian and Bulgarian Approaches. Eds. G. Demeter, P. Peykovska. Sofia–Budapest, 2015, 440 pp.
  • (Re)Discovering the Sources of Bulgarian and Hungarian History. Eds. P. Peykovska, G. Demeter. Sofia–Budapest, 2015, 376 pp.

Foreign-language education: strategies and methods. A reform of school syllabuses, teaching aids and innovative approaches

a foreign project within the Beijing Foreign Studies University in co-authorship with Assoc.Prof. Dr. Tian Jianjun.

Duration: 2012 – 2015.

Participants: On Bulgarian side participated Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mariana Malinova Tian.


  • Малинова Тиен, М. Трудностите, които срещат китайските студенти при употребата на българския език (в съавторство с Тиен Дзиендзюн). – В: Лингвистиката: история, предизвикателства, перспективи (Сб. в чест на 80-год. на проф. Славчо Петков), Благоевград, 2013, Университетско издателство „Неофит Рилски“, 52-66.
  • [Malinova Tian, М. Difficulties faced by Chinese students speaking Bulgarian (in co-authorship with Tian Jianjun). – In: Linguistics: history, challenges, perspectives (A collection of papers in honour of 80th anniversary of Prof. Slavcho Petkov), Blagoevgrad, 2013, Neophyte Rilski University Press, pp. 52-66].
  • Малинова Тиен, М. Грешките на китайските студенти при използването на съществителни имена в българския език (в съавторство с Тиен Дзиендзюн). – В: Българистиката в чужбина (Материали от Третия международен конгрес по българистика, 23-26 май 2013, София), Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, Международна асоциация по българистика, (Фонд „Научни изследвания“ към МОН), София, 2014, 47-64.
  • [Malinova Tian, М. Errors committed by Chinese students when employing nouns in Bulgarian (with co-authorship with Tian Jianjun). – In: Bulgarian studies abroad (Materials from the Third international congress on Bulgarian Studies, 23-26 May 2013, Sofia), St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, International Association on Bulgarian Studies (Scientific Research Fund by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science), Sofia, 2014, 47-64.

Bulgaria and Russia: a dialogue in the historic and cultural area of Southeastern Europe, ХVІІІ – ХХІ cc.

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Slavonic Studies with the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2012 – 2014.

In charge: Academy Fellow Georgi Markov.

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Prof. DSc. Tamara Stoilova, Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva, Assoc. Prof. DSc. Penka Peykovska, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Sashka Milanova, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Rumyana Bogdanova, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nadya Philipova, Asst. Prof. Dr. Irina Grigorova Asst. Prof. Dr. Inna Manasieva.


An international conference under the title “135 years later: Bulgaria – Russia – Eurasia”, Sofia, 27th February – 1st March 2013.

Russia between West and East: diplomacy and politics (ХVIII–ХХI cc.)

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Russian History with the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2012 – 2014.

In charge: Prof. Dr. Tamara Stoilova, DSc.

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violina Atanasova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Dimitrova.

The project “Russia between West and East: diplomacy and politics (ХVIII–ХХI cc.)” maked up the second stage of a joint scientific project together with the Institute for Russian History with the Russian Academy of Sciences. Papers and articles by the scholars of both institutes were dedicated to complex political relationships of Russia/USSR with the countries of Europe, Asia and America in the period ХVII c. – beginnings of ХХI c. as well as to cultural interaction between Russia and the Bulgarians.


The project results were published as Issue XXXIII of the Proceedings of the Institute for Historical Studies [Известия на Института за исторически изследвания] (2016).

Frontiers in expanded Europe: parallel memories and identities

Duration: 2012 – 2013.

In-charge: Prof. Raya Zaimova – Institute on Balkan Studies with a Thracology Centre – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Assoc.Prof. Catherine Horel – SNRS, France.

Number of participants: 11

From the Institute’s side participated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefka Pârveva.

Culture and Politics in Southeastern Europe

The project was jointly developed by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for South-European History “Nicolae Iorga” with the Romanian Academy of Sciences

Duration: 2011 – 2013.

In charge: on Bulgarian side the project was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Blagovest Njagolov.

Participants: on Bulgarian side participated Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Bozhinov.

China’s relationships with the Soviet Union and East-European Countries 1949―1989: new archives and new views

a joint project of the Chinese Academy of Social sciences (CASC) and Beijing Foreign Studies University.

Duration: 2011 – 2013.

Participant on behalf of the IHS was Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mariana Malinova Tian.


.《从保加利亚档案文集看中苏关系背景下的保中关系 (1949-1989)》。 In: Huang lifu, Peter Vamos, Li Rui (eds.), New Sources,New Findings: the Relationships between China, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2014.9 (中国社会科学论坛文集 2013,黄立口、王俊逸(PeterVamos)、李锐主编《新史料、新发现:中国与苏东关系》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2014年9月,469页,545千字。) ISBN 978-7-5161-4824-2,pp. 255-266 (in Chinese) “Chinese-Bulgarian relations during the Cold War”.

China and the countries of Central and South-eastern Europe

an international project financially backed by the Scientific Research Fund under the Innovation stimulating Scheme by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CACC), Beijing.

Duration: 2010–2015.

On behalf of the IHS participated Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mariana Malinova Tian.


  • [in Chinese] An overview of Bulgarian-Chinese cultural relations in the period 1990 – 2010. Mariana Malinova authored Chapter 6, part 7 of the project (ISBN: 978-7-5097-4839-8)
  • Китайската мечта през погледа на българските държавни ръководители [The Chinese dream though the looking glass of the Bulgarian State leaders (on the visits to People’s Republic of China undertaken by then Bulgarian prime minister Plamen Oreshasrski, the chairman of the Bulgarian National Assembly Mihail Mikov and the president Rosen Plevneliev).

Central and Southeastern Europe in ХIX c. – ХXI c.: regions, frontiers, societies, identities

The project was jointly worked out by the Institute for Historical Studies with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and by the History Institute with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Duration: 2010 – 2012.

In charge: Academy Fellow Georgi Markov.

Participants: Prof. DSc. Valery Stojanow, Assoc. Prof. DSc. Penka Peykovska, Prof. Dr. Ilyana Marcheva et all.


  • Bulgarian-Hungarian round table „Bulgaria and Hungary in the Wars from the Second Decade of the 20th Century”. Sofia, 17 May 2012
  • Bulgarian-Hungarian Conference „Regions, Borders, Societies and Identities in Central and South-East Europe”. Sofia, 16 -1 7 May 2012
  • Bulgarian-Hungarian Forum “New Books by Hungarian and Bulgarian Historians on Bulgaria & Hungary, Central Europe & the Balkans”. Sofia, 16-17 May 2012
  • Hungarian-Bulgarian round table “Balkan and Bulgarian studies: achievements and perspectives”. Budapest, 14 November 2012


  • Regions, Borders, Societies, Identities in Central and Southeast Europe 17th–21st century. Eds.: Peykovska, P., Demeter, G. MTA BTK, Sofia–Budapest, 2013, 276 р.
  • Bulgaria and Hungary at War (1912–1918). Eds.: Peykovska, P., Demeter, G. MTA BTK, Sofia–Budapest, 2013, 160 р.
  • Borders and Societies in the History of the Central and East-Europe. Papers. Bulgarian-Hungarian Scholarly Forum III. Eds. P. Peykovska, G. Demeter. Sofia-Budapest, 2011, 372 p.

Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: a network exploring social, moral and material relocations of Europe’s Eastern peripheries (European Science Foundation, COST Action IS0803, Management Committee Member, Brussels).

Duration: 2009 – 2012.

In charge: Prof. Dr. Sarah Green.

Participant: Prof. Dr. Valery Stojanow, DSc. – member of the Management Committee for Bulgaria.