Ивелина Машева

ас. д-р Ивелина Машева

e-mail: masheva(at)gmail(dot)com

19 септември 1984 г., София

Web of Science ResearcherID: ABB-5763-2022

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5297-3926


cоциална история; историята на правото; история на труда; история на жените; икономическа история; нова българска история; история на Българското възраждане



2011-2015 Редовна докторантура в Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“

2010 – Магистър по история Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“

Заемани длъжности

2023 – Асистент в Института за исторически изследвания на БАН (продължава)

2019-2023 Историк в Института за исторически изследвания на БАН

Научни специализации

2020-2023 Централно европейски университет, Виена, Австрия

2018 Университет Регенсбург, Германия

Участие в научни проекти

2020- ZARAH: Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century, финансиран от European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (до 2026 г.)


Студии и статии:

  1. Ottoman Merchants, Provincial Elites, and the Introduction of Modern Commercial Litigation in the Ottoman Balkans (1840–50s), In: Transforming Southeast Europe During the Long Nineteenth Century: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization in the Ottoman and the Post-Ottoman Space, edited by Boriana Antonova-Goleva and Ivelina Masheva, Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 271–294 (в предпечатна подготовка)
  2. Women’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond: Towards a Long-Term, Transregional, Integrative, and Critical Approach” In Through the Prism of Gender and Work: Women’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Selin Çağatay, Alexandra Ghit, Olga Gnydiuk, Veronika Helfert, Ivelina Masheva, Zhanna Popova, Jelena Tešija, Eszter Varsa, and Susan Zimmermann. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2024, pp. 1–80 (в съавторство).
  3. Renegotiating Skills, Wages and the Right to Work: On the Gender of Labour Activism around Rationalization in the Bulgarian Tobacco Industry in the Early 1930s, International Labor and Working-Class History, 2024: 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0147547923000303.
  4. “An Eight-Hour Day for Women Workers”: Negotiating Working Time in the Bulgarian Textile Industry between International Labour Politics and the Shop Floor, 1890s to 1930s, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 31, 2023 (2): 227–40.
  5. Women and the Gendered Politics of Work in Central and Eastern Europe, and Internationally in the Twentieth Century: Activism, Governance, and Scale, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 31, 2023 (2): 227–40 (в съавторство).
  6. Legal and Judicial Reforms in an Imperial and Post-Imperial Setting: Commercial Law in (Ottoman) Bulgaria 1840s–1890s, In: Commercial Law in Southeastern Europe. Legislation and Jurisdiction from Tanzimat Times until the Eve of the Great War, edited Martin Löhnig and Ivelina Masheva. 2022, Vienna: Böhlau Verlag.
  7. Гражданско и наказателно правораздаване във Видин през епохата на Танзимата (1839-1877), – В: Българският XIX век: нови архиви и прочити, ред. Х. Атанасов и О. Събев, София: За Буквите – О Писменехь, 2019, с. 83-110.
  8. Съдебни институции в областта на търговското право във Варна (40-те – 70-те години на XIX век), – В: Варна, българите и българските градове. Възрожденски поселищни проучвания. Сборник в памет на проф. дин Велко Тонев. Ред. И. Русев, Варна, 2016, с. 75-92.
  9. Правосъдието в провинцията – Видинският търговски съд в края на 60-те – нач. на 70- те години на XIX век, Балканите – език, история, култура, т. 4, 2015, с. 284-293.
  10. From Islamic Commercial Law to The French Code de Commerce – Oral And Written Evidences in Commercial Trials in Ottoman Bulgaria during The Tanzimat, Rechtskultur – Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 4, 2015, p. 33-40.
  11. Ottoman Commercial Regulations during the Tanzimat period (1839-1877). Legislation Reforms and Their Application in the Town of Rusçuk, Papers of the American Research Center in Sofia, vol. 1, 2014, pp. 120-130.
  12. Историографски традиции и „бели полета“ в историята на жените през Възраждането – В: XVIII Кюстендилски Четения 2011 г. Дебати и проблеми в модерната българска историческа наука, София-Кюстендил, 2013, с. 69-82.

Редакторска и съставителска дейност

  1. Transforming Southeast Europe During the Long Nineteenth Century: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization in the Ottoman and the Post-Ottoman Space, edited by Boriana Antonova-Goleva and Ivelina Masheva, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2024 (в предпечатна подготовка)
  2. Through the Prism of Gender and Work: Women’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Selin Çağatay, Alexandra Ghit, Olga Gnydiuk, Veronika Helfert, Ivelina Masheva, Zhanna Popova, Jelena Tešija, Eszter Varsa, and Susan Zimmermann. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2024
  3. Commercial Law in Southeastern Europe. Legislation and Jurisdiction from Tanzimat Times until the Eve of the Great War, edited by Martin Löhnig and Ivelina Masheva. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2022


  1. В спиралата на времето: пространства, хора, идеи, събития, 13-15 октомври 2023
  2. Tрадиции и модерност: българското общество през „дългия XIX век“, Института за исторически изследвания – Българска академия на науките, София, 5-6 октомври 2023.
  3. The 14th European Social Science History Conference, Gothenburg, 12-15 April 2023.
  4. Legal Orders under Pressure: Non-Western Experiences of Legal Transformations in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Symposium of the research group Translations & Transitions, organised by the Chair for Globalisation and Legal Pluralism at the Department of Legal and Constitutional History, University of Vienna, together with the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Theory, 7 – 9 December 2022
  5. Interactions, Exchanges, and Transformations. European Legal Traditions and their Impact on the Construction of Gender in a Global Context, Vancouver, Canada, 18-19 November 2022.
  6. Women Labour Activism in Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th Centuries, Central European University, Vienna, 14-16 October 2021.
  7. Turkologentag 2018, Third European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies, University of Bamberg, 19-21.09.2018
  8. Comité international des études pré-ottomanes et ottomanes (CIEPO) 23th Congress, New Bulgarian University, Sofia 11-15.09.2018
  9. Transforming South Eastern Europe During the Long 19th Century: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization, 1-2 December 2017
  10. ICOSEH 2017, International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History, University of Sofia „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia, Bulgaria, 24-28.07.2017
  11. Éléments de preuve et litiges commerciaux en Méditerranée (XVe – XIXe siècles), Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, 18-20.06.2015
  12. Фаталното в историята, гр. Кюстендил, 14-16 юни 2013 г.
  13. Балканите – език, история, култура”, Велико Търново, 18-19 октомври 2013 г.