Irina Yakimova

Senior Researcher, PhD

Phone: (+359) 897464027

E-mail: iyakimova(at)abv(dot)bg

10.01.1982 (Sofia, Bulgaria)

1. Main Fields of Research

History of 20th Century Bulgaria: Modern and Contemporary History of Bulgaria; Bulgarian Post-Socialist Transition

History of 20th Century Europe:

Political History: Second World War; Cold War; Soviet Union; Soviet bloc; Transatlantic relations.

History of East-West international economic and political relations: COMECON/CMEA; Warsaw Pact; EC/EU’s external relations; NATO.

Cultural History: Urban History; Cultural History of Bulgaria and the Balkan Region

2. Academic Competencies and Career


2008-2011 – PhD in Contemporary History of Bulgaria
Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Doctoral Thesis: “Reorientation in Bulgarian Foreign Policy, 1985-1991”

2000-2005 – MA in International Relations
(pre-EU accession system, equivalent to BA + MA degree)
Faculty of Law, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
MA Thesis: “Geopolitical Models in Bulgarian Foreign Policy in the Late 20th Century and the Early 21st Century”

1995-2000 – High School Education
(High school leaving certificate)
First English Language School – Sofia, Bulgaria

Positions held

January 2022 – present
Senior Researcher, Contemporary History of Bulgaria (1940s – 1990s), Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

March 2019 – December 2021
Junior Researcher, Contemporary History of Bulgaria (1940s – 1990s), Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

June 2016 – January 2017
Assistant lecturer/ teaching assistant, Contemporary History of Bulgaria (1944-1989), Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria

July 2015 – August 2016
Research associate / historical consultant, State socialism and post-socialist period at the National Museum of Military History, Sofia, Bulgaria

February 2008 – February 2011
Doctoral student/ PhD candidate, Contemporary History of Bulgaria (1944-1989), Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria

Research level and academic rank

Senior Researcher, PhD

Membership in academic organizations

Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Academic department: “Modern and Contemporary History of Bulgaria”

Specializations and fellowships

March 2010 – February 2011
Research fellow/project member, Collegium Historicum project, dedicated to the development of the capacity of the doctoral, post-doctoral students and young scholars, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”:

April 2010 – May 2010
Visiting fellow at the Moscow State University and MGIMO University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Participation in joint projects

2022 – 2024
Project “Studying Contemporary History of Bulgaria: Current Status and Future Prospects”

2023 – 2024
Project GS-SAS № IC-SK/05/2023-2024 “Nation  – Adaptation – Integration. Socio-economic and Environmental Problems in Bulgaria and Slovakia (20th–21st Centuries)”

2021 – 2022
Project IC-SK/07/2021-2022 BG-SL “Meet Bulgaria and Slovakia: social, economic and political transformations, integration challenges (19th – 20th Century)”

2020 – 2022
Project “Studying World History and Bulgarian Historical Science”

2019 – ongoing
Project title: “Bulgaria and China: Historical Parallels in the Modernization Attempts from the End of World War II to the Beginning of the 21st Century”. Joint research project of the Institute of Historical Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

March 2010 – February 2011
Collegium Historicum Project, dedicated to the development of the capacity of the doctoral, post-doctoral students and young scholars, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”:

June – July 2009
Dialogue “Europe” International Project:

2009 – 2010
Project title: “New Archival Records on The Revival Process in Bulgaria”. Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Project title: “Integration Processes in the 1970s”. Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Project title: “Integration Processes in the 1980s”. Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.


June 2016 – January 2017
Lectures in Contemporary History of Bulgaria (1944-1989), Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Bulgarian, English, Russian, German, Spanish (passive knowledge), Greek (passive knowledge)

3. Publications


Bulgaria in Soviet-Western Relations in the Age of Global Geopolitical Change (1985-1991). Paradigma Publishers. Sofia, 2019. [In Bulgarian] / България между СССР и Запада в епохата на глобалното геополитическо преустройство (1985-1991). Парадигма. София, 2019.


  1. Bulgaria in the EEC/EU’s Eastern European Policy in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s. Historical Review-Istoricheski Pregled, 1, Institute for Historical Studies, 2023, 93-121 [In Bulgarian] / България в източноевропейската политика на ЕИО/ЕС през втората половина на 80-те и 90-те години на ХХ век. Исторически преглед, 1, Институт за исторически изследвания, 2023, 93-121;
  2. Bulgaria in the European Political-Economic Space During the 1990s. In: The Benefit of History from Antiquity to the Present Day. Proceedings of the scientific conference “The Benefit of History from Antiquity to the Present Day”, 2, Plovdiv University Press, 2022, 441-461 [In Bulgarian] / България в европейското политико-икономическо пространство през 90-те години на ХХ век.. Ползата от историята. Сборник с доклади от научната конференция „Ползата от историята“, посветена на 300-годишнината от рождението на Паисий Хилендарски и 260-годишнината от написването на „История славянобългарска“, 2, Пловдивско университетско издателство, 2022, 441-461;
  3. The “Russian Factor” in Bulgarian Foreign Policy in the Years of Post-Communist Transition. Hiperboreea, Vol. 9, No. 1, Balkan History Association, 2022, ISSN: 2688-8211; 2284-5666, DOI:, 95-111. SJR (Scopus): 0.101;
  4. Geopolitical Dimensions of the Bulgarian Transition in the Aftermath of the Cold War. Proceedings of the Institute for Historical Studies. vol. 38, Prof. Marin Drinov  Academic Publishing House, 2022, 475-485 [In Bulgarian] / Геополитически измерения на българския преход след края на Студената война. Известия на Института за исторически изследвания. Изучаването на световната история и българската историческа наука, т. 38, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2022, 475-485;
  5. Two Tales of the Great War: Dimitar Dimov’s “Tobacco” vs. Yana Yazova’s “Salt Bay”. Studia Litteraria Serdicensia, Vol. 2, Boyan Penev Publishing Center, Institute of Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022, 179-194 [In Bulgarian]  Два разказа за Голямата война: „Тютюн“ на Димитър Димов vs. „Соления залив“ на Яна Язова. Studia Litteraria Serdicensia, кн. 2, Издателски център „Боян Пенев“ към Института за литература – БАН, 2022, 179-194;
  6. Why and How Bulgaria Reoriented from the East to the West During the 1990s (An Attempt to Assess Bulgaria’s Euro-Atlantic Choice). In: Historical Memory and Why We Need It So Much Today. Center for Strategic, Historical and Policy Studies, 2022, 238-245 [In Bulgarian] / Защо и как България „смени посоката” от Изток на Запад през 90-те години на ХХ век. (Опит за оценка на българския евроатлантически избор). Историческата памет и защо ни е толкова необходима днес, Център за стратегически, исторически и политически изследвания, 2022, 238-245;
  7. The “Russian Factor” in Bulgarian Foreign Policy During the 1990s. Bulgarian Historical Review, 3-4, 2021, 227-258. SJR (Scopus): 0.1[In Russian] / “Русский фактор” в болгарской внешней политике в 90-е годы ХХ века. Bulgarian Historical Review, 3-4, 2021, 227-258. SJR (Scopus): 0.1;
  8. The Geopolitical Confrontation in the Aftermath of the Cold War and Bulgaria’s Positioning. In: Global Changes and New Solutions. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1, Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library, Ruse, 2021, 231-241 [In Bulgarian] / Геополитическото противостоене след края на Студената война и мястото на България. Промените в глобалния свят и новите решения. Сборник с доклади от международната научна конференция, Том 1, Регионална библиотека „Любен Каравелов“ – Русе, 2021, 231-241;
  9. The Concepts of Bulgaria’s Geopolitical Reorientation to the West After 1989. Historical Review-Istoricheski Pregled, 4, 2020, 87-141 [In Bulgarian] / Концепциите за българската геополитическа преориентация на Запад след 1989 г.. Исторически преглед, 4, 2020, 87-141;
  10. Bulgaria’s National Security Dilemma in the Aftermath of the Cold War: The “Pro-“ and “Anti-“ NATO Debate. Political Projections. In: The Transition: Expectations and Realities, Avanguard Prima Press, 2020, 134-145 [In Bulgarian] / Дилемата пред българската национална сигурност след края на Студената война. Дебатът “за” или “против” НАТО – политически проекции.. „Преходът” – очаквания и реалности, Авангард Прима, 2020, 134-145;
  11. Todor Zhivkov and the “Tactical Alternative” to the Soviet Cooperation. In: The Challenge: Contemporary History of Bulgaria. Collection in honor of Prof. Evgeniya Kalinova, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2020, 319-332 [In Bulgarian] / Тодор Живков и „тактическата алтернатива“ на съветския модел. Предизвикателството: съвременна българска история. Сборник с изследвания в чест на проф.д-р Евгения Калинова., Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2020, 319-332;
  12. US-Bulgarian Relations (1985–1989); Ideological Stereotypes and Missed Opportunities. In: Thinking Nationally and Internationally”. Collection dedicated in memory of Prof. Kostadin Grozev. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. Sofia. 2019, 581-588 [In Bulgarian] / Отношенията България – САЩ (1985–1989) – идеологически стереотипи и пропуснати възможности. В: С поглед към света и България. Сборник в памет на проф. д-р Костадин Грозев. Съст. Евг. Калинова, Научна ред. Евг. Калинова, И. Баева, София, 2019, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 581-588;
  13. Bulgaria’s Post-Cold War Atlantic Dilemma: A Revolutionary Idea or a Political Imperative”. In: Annual Public Readings in Kyustendil, 2017: Revolutions and Evolution in History. Conference proceedings. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. Sofia. 2019, 255-269 [In Bulgarian] / Българската атлантическа дилема след края на Студената война – революционна идея или политически императив. B: “Кюстендилски четения 2017: Историята между революцията и еволюцията”. Сборник с доклади, Университетско издателство “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2019, 255-269;
  14. The Trade and Trade-Economic Cooperation Agreement: A First Step Towards Bulgaria’s EU Full Membership. In: The End of the Cold War and the European Integration / Disintegration in the 1990s. Collection in honor of the 65th anniversary of Prof. Iskra Baeva. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. Sofia. 2019, 122-133 [In Bulgarian] / Споразумението за търговия и търговско-икономическо сътрудничество – първа стъпка към пълноправното членство на България в ЕС. B: Краят на Студената война и европейската интеграция/дезинтеграция през 90-те години на ХХ век. Сборник в чест на 65-ата годишнина на проф. Искра Баева, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2019, 122-133;
  15. Establishment of Official Contacts with the European Community. In: Integration Processes in Europe in the 1980s, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 152-181 [In Bulgarian] / Установяване на официални отношения със западноевропейския Общ пазар. В: Интеграционните процеси през 80-те години на ХХ век. Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, С., 2016, 152-181;
  16. Bulgaria and the West-European Integration Space: The Hard Beginning. In: Integration Processes in Europe in the 1970s, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2014, 110-123 [In Bulgarian] / България и западноевропейското интеграционно икономическо пространство. Историята на едно сложно начало. В: Интеграционните процеси през 70-те години на ХХ век. Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2014, 110-123;
  17. The Concept of Bulgaria’s Pro-Western Reorientation at the Start of the Democratic Transition, 1990-1991: Views of the Ruling Left vs. Right Opposition Ideas. In: Social Ideas, Movements and Policies. Case Studies of Dimitar Blagoev National Political Institute, Sofia. 2014, 569 – 610 [In Bulgarian] / Концепцията за прозападна външнополитическа преориентация на старта на прехода (1990-1991 г). Вижданията на управляващата левица срещу възгледите на дясната опозиция. В: Социални идеи, движения и политики. Изследвания на Националния политически институт „Димитър Благоев“, С., 2014, 569 – 610;
  18. Relations Between the Global Superpowers, 1985-1991: A Geopolitical Paradigm. In: Collegium Historicum. Vol. 2, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2012, 473-488 [In Bulgarian] / Отношенията между световните силови полюси в периода 1985-1991 г. през призмата на геополитиката. В: Годишник Collegium Historicum, Том II, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, С., 2012, 473-488;
  19. “The Long Hand” of the Soviets in the Revival Process in Bulgaria, 1984-1989. In: New Sources for Researching the Revival Process, Sofia. 2011, 21-25 [In Bulgarian] / Тезата за „съветската връзка“ в българския възродителен процес 1984-1989. В: Нови източници за изследване на „възродителния процес“, С., 2011, 21-25;
  20. Ronald Reagan: A Political Portrait. In: Historical Personalities and Ideas. Collection in honor of the 60th anniversary of Prof. Iskra Baeva, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2011, 181-186 [In Bulgarian] / Роналд Рейгън – политически портрет. В: Исторически личности и идеи. Сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на проф. д-р Искра Баева, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, С., 2011, 181-186;
  21. Disintegration of the East-European Socialist Community in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s. In: Collegium Historicum. Vol. 1, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2011, 555-570 [In Bulgarian] / Разпадане на източноевропейския интеграционен модел през втората половина на 80-те и началото на 90-те години на ХХ век. В: Годишник Collegium Historicum, Том I, ИК „Гутенберг”, С., 2011, 555-570;
  22. The Soviet “Perestoika”: A New Beginning or a Predicted Failure. In: Annual Public Readings in Kyustendil, 2010: Failures in History. Conference proceedings, Kyustendil, June 2010,, 269-274 [In Bulgarian] / Перестройката в СССР – ново начало или предизвестен провал. В: Кюстендилски четения 2010. Провалите в историята,, 269-274;
  23. The West as a Geopolitical Factor in the Years of Soviet “Perestroika”, 1985-1991. In: Russia, Europe and the World. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2012, 366-374 [In Bulgarian] / Западът като геополитически фактор в годините на перестройката в СССР 1985-1991. В: Русия, Европа и светa, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, С., 2012, 366-374;
  24. Bulgaria in the Late 1980s: Struggling to Emerge from the Economic Crisis. In: Annual Public Readings in Kyustendil, 2009: The Crises in History. Conference proceedings, Kyustendil, June 2009,, 237-247 [In Bulgarian] / България в края на 80-те години на ХХ век – в търсене на изход от икономическата криза. В: Кюстендилски четения 2009. Кризите в историята,, 237-247;
  25. The Soviet August Coup in 1991: A Glance Behind the Scenes. In: Annual Public Readings in Kyustendil, 2008: Plots and Coups in History. Conference proceedings, Kyustendil, June 2008,, 188-195 [In Bulgarian] / Августовският пуч в СССР през 1991 г. Поглед зад кулисите. В: Кюстендилски четения 2008. Заговори преврати в историята,, 188-195;
  26. Geopolitical Confrontation and General Trends in Bulgarian Foreign in the Early 21st  Century. International Relations, 4, 2006, 79-90 [In Bulgarian] / Геополитическо противостоене и тенденциите в българската външна политика в началото на ХХІ век. Международни отношения, кн. 4, 2006, 79-90.

4. Conference papers


  1. “Evolution of the Bulgarian European Integration Process Before and After 1989”. The paper was presented on 08 March 2023 in the framework of the round table “Studies on Contemporary History of Bulgaria: Current State and Future Prospects”, organized on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the “Contemporary History of Bulgaria” Department of the Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  2. “Studying Bulgaria-EEC/EU Relations, 1980s-1990s: Issues and Challenges”. The paper was presented on 16 December 2022 in the framework of the conference “Modern Age Historical Science” held in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  3. “Bulgaria’s Positioning in Contemporary East-West Geopolitical Confrontation”. The paper was presented on 18 November 2022 in the framework of the international scientific conference “Europe and Russia on the Threshold of New Geopolitical Challenges”. Organized by Slaviyani Fund.
  4. “Bulgaria and the European Political-Economic Space in the 1990s”. The paper was presented on 25 September 2022 in Plovdiv within the framework of the international scientific conference “The Benefit of History from Antiquity to the Present Day”. Organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and History of Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”.
  5. “Bulgaria’s National Security Dilemma in the 1990s: The Atlantic Idea as a Foreign Policy Priority”. The paper was presented on 12 November 2022 in Pleven within the framework of the scientific conference “Pleven Historical Readings 2022: Revolutions and Evolutions – Political, Economic, Technological, Cultural and Social Dimensions of Progress”. Organized by Pleven Museum of Regional History and the Faculty of History of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
  6. “Geopolitical Dimensions of the Bulgarian Transition after the End of the Cold War”. The paper was presented in Sofia on 5 October 2021 in the framework of the scientific conference “Studying World History and Bulgarian Historical Science” organized by the “World History and History of International Relations in the Modern and Contemporary Age” Department of the Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  7. “Geopolitical Confrontation in the Aftermath of the Cold War and Bulgaria’s Positioning”. The paper was presented online on 1 October 2021 in the framework of the international scientific conference “Global Changes and New Solutions” organized by the Ruse Regional Library “Lyuben Karavelov”.
  8. „The “Russian Factor” in Bulgarian Foreign Policy in the Years of Post-Communist Transition“. The paper was presented online on 14 September 2021 in the framework of the international scientific conference “Peripheries of Empires and Nation-States in the 15th – 20th Century Central and South-East Europe: Power, Institutions, Society, Adaptation”.
  9. “Once More on Memory and Monuments”. The paper was presented on 26 June 2021 in the framework of the international scientific conference “Public Diplomacy as a Factor for the Development of Dialogue, Expansion of International Socio-Economic Relations, Strengthening of Security and Stabilization of Peace on the Earth” organized by Slaviyani Fund.
  10. “Two Tales of the Great War: Dimitar Dimov’s Tobacco vs. Yana Yazova’s “Salt Bay”. The paper was presented online on 24 November 2020 in the framework of the scientific conference “The Novel of History” organized by the Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  11. “US-Bulgarian Relations at the End of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century”. Presentation delivered on 19 April 2019 in the academic scope of the international conference “Dialogue on the Balkans 2019”. Sofia, Bulgaria.
  12. “The Russian Connection in Bulgarian Foreign Policy in the 1990s”. Presentation delivered on 01 July 2019 in the academic scope of the international round table “The Slavic Reciprocity Between the Temptations of Peace and the Trials of War (20th Century Conclusions). Sofia, Bulgaria.
  13. „Bulgarian-Russian Relations at the End of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century Through the Perspective of Balkan Geopolitics“. Presentation delivered on 05 July 2019 in the academic scope of the international conference “Bulgaria and Russia: 140 Years of Diplomatic Relations. History, Current State and Future Prospects “. Sofia, Bulgaria.

5. Practical Activities

Lectures and other public events to promote academic achievements

Public lectures:

“Ideology and Urban Environment in Socialist Sofia”. Delivered in the academic scope of the celebrations dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (5/12/2019).

Media interviews:

BSTV, 24/01/2020: Comment on the current geopolitical situation in Europe;

Focus Agency, 10/01/2020: Comment on the air strikes on Sofia on 10 January 1944;

BNR, 25/11/2019: Presentation of “Bulgaria Between the USSR and the West in the Age of Global Geopolitical Change (1985-1991)” –


Segert, D., „Staatssozialismus, ökonomische Entwicklung und Modernisierung in Osteuropa“, in Becker, J. und Weissenbacher, R., Sozialismen von Lenin bis Nyerere, S. 98-116. Published in Bulgarian language as “Political Views on State Socialism in Eastern Europe“, in Novo vreme, No. 4, April 2015 (Зегерт, Д., „Политологични възгледи върху държавния социализъм в Източна Европа”. – В: Ново време, № 4, април 2015 г)

Preparation of museum collections, exhibitions and other cultural events

Historical consultant to the photo exhibition “The War We Couldn’t Stay Neutral In”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, 2015.